Wednesday, December 3, 2008

on shaky ground....

there was an sms alert my colleague got at 5 pm today…it said there was a shooting that took place in Hyderabad, while investigating with regard to the Bombay Terror attacks, an Ex SIMI activist, shot at the constable and a red alert has been sounded in hyderabad. As soon as we heard this, I checked online to find this….i informed K and left for home immediately…..

now safe in the confines of my home, I type this to say, I had a shaky few moments………not knowing what this was….exaggeration or the truth, or the look of things to follow, I was only too happy to drive back home…..last night, it took me a few seconds to compose myself, before u got out of bed to go to the bathroom….iamgining people holed up there, some amidst dead people, hiding at the Taj so that the terrorist would miss them, is a constant vision I imagine…..

I don’t like it…and I tell myself I am being unreasonable….i wasn’t even in the same city as what happened…it doesn’t seem to help…..i don’t know if I should feel silly about my eagerness to return to the safety of home, or relief that nothing happened, or what… false bravado here anyways….

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