Wednesday, October 14, 2009

timepassing in the afternoon

what does one do when one is under house arrest and cannot venture to a public place that includes toilets because one is recovering from a very severe urinary infection? (yuck!) one cant bake, cos the K man is not eating anything that doesn't look like an idly, one cleans out and sort sthrough and reorganises one's wardrobe, one watches movies full of gore, one waits for emails/ messages even official ones!! and then when all else fails, one attacks the 25 yrs old cane side table, whips out the glass, washes it with pril and scotchbrite, lays it on old newspapers and attacks it with acrylic paints. inspired by this, its a far cry, but something that gave me a painful back and a very satisfied smirk on my face!!


Vineeta said...

Cool work Arundhati !! :)

Jay Jayakeerthy said...

Anu, to say the least, its lovely.

Veda said...


Rupa said...

Very pretty Anu. Get well soon!

Raaga said...

lovely... meant to respond to the mail... just swamped with work

Swapna said...

Wow... that is cool... At first glance I thought it was mosaic... !!
Babe..drink a lot of cranberry juice.. it is great for the infection.

amna said...

i LOVE it!! :)