Friday, February 19, 2010


for the second time in about 6 months, K and i had to cancel a holiday plan last minute. We spent a whole night talking about the reasons we could go and the reasons we couldnt and in the end, the reasons we couldnt go outweighed the ones that said we could. Amidst much dissappointment (for me) and guilt (for him) we decided that now was not possible. This is 3 days before we are scheduled to travel and so it was tough. With bags packed and spirits soaring. The most difficult was to tell our friends who we'd planned to go with. This is the second time and I didnt want to come away looking like we'd done it on purpose. K is a big believer in the spirit of the human spirit, i am worked up about many things - i dont want to look like someone who makes an excuse at the last minute, i am as disappointed as anyone else would be and i have the tears to prove it, i realise as the wife of an entrepreneur, these are the sacrifices i will have to make, i want my friends to not stop making plans with us because two of them didnt work it a tall order?


Raaga said...

Again... sorry... but I'm sure you will make a trip soon as a foursome!

Swapna said...

Cheer up babe..something better will come your way ...

Urban Green said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, arundati...and for those kind words. sorry to hear about your travel plan. I hope there is something better in store for you. see you around...urban green

~mE said...


I am sorry about your trip. Just two times..i have no idea how many times i have dropped out in the last minute..:) But they still check with me :D Friends will understand..Cheer up now and start you next holiday planning RIGHT NOW :)

arundati said...

@raaga: yeah i sure hope so!!
@swapna: cheered up babe!! thank you :)
@urban garden: thank you :) yes am sure there's something else in store
@me: :) thank you girl.... me is thinking of shillong now :)