Wednesday, June 15, 2011

waging war at home

am at the laptop early in the morning which is a regular thing now. my most significant relationship today is with the laptop and therefore with the internet. but that isnt the point. i spent the whole of yesterday trying to find things i believe i put away in certain places. my memory failed me and i couldnt find them in those very places. what started then was a disgust at the way things are organised in my house, especially in the storage loft of the study and the guest room. boxes of stuff i have forgotten about. and if i have forgotten about them, i dont really need them. so starting today is operation clean up. i need to find place for all the things i need, and discard the stuff i dont need. i did this with the kitchen a few weeks ago and i am amazed at how much more productive i am in the kitchen because i know exactly where everything is. 

one of the biggest things i need to sort out and organise are the pictures. its not easy to keep 30 odd years of memories of both K and me in boxes. when the in laws moved here and were unpacking, i picked up a tonne of their b&w collection as well. some of that needs restoration. 

i found a whole carton of my crafting and cooking books that i had forgotten i owned. i need to find a permanent place for them. and my sewing machine. which currently sits in the holy temple of the library and is irking K no end. 

pictures to be frames, space to be decided for wall art...wait, before that i need to paint a few walls!


rainboy said...

I guess since the time I remember I've been organizing things ... best of luck to you :)

take care

Anonymous said...

i love reading your blog, i just wish you would write on a daily basis.