Saturday, January 22, 2011


its the third week of the new year and i have been unable to write anything here yet.... i come here and go back, without posting and with over half a dozen drafts in my files.... its been busy mostly. with most days spent at home in the company of amma who came here on the last day of last year, time spent with N, i must say i miss her terribly now that she's gone back to la la, chatting and eating and just hanging out.....just typing this here is making me nostalgic...finally dividing the spoils of the war...errr the sale proceeds of sugar n spice between me and A and i am flush with money which is a good thing cos i havent earned a penny since dec and it was making me very in laws were here househunting and that was a hectic week again... they left yesterday and the IL's got along like a house on fire but that will be fodder for another post when i have the time and the inclination.....i am so relieved they found an apt they liked and finished paying the advance for it....cos it was like a see saw for a while and moments of tension.... more later, when i am not stuttering and can be more coherant....

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