Sunday, January 17, 2016


I wish I had practiced it. When every cell in my being told me to practice restraint, I wish I had. On the days when I yelled my lungs out at a guy who cut me off at a traffic signal, when I needlessly got emotional over leaving a job I hated anyways and cried my eyes out and literally gave the feeling that I wanted to reconsider my decision, on the day when I said more than I had intended to say only because I was overreacting....a million other instances where I allowed everyone and myself to tell me for posterity that I need to practice restraint. 

When you tell someone more than what you intended, and you reveal more than you wanted to, you see it so clearly in hindsight. When you should have just counted to ten, to speak, to yell, to write back, to return a call.

Hopefully the next time I will remember this lesson clearly and on time.... hopefully I will be less of a fool. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Arundati,

I came to know of you and your blog, because someone spoke about you. Never expected to find a refreshingly candid and
amazing blog.I find you to be a person of utmost class and clarity.Keep going... After encountering
some fakes ,copycats,liars i can say that you are a one in a million.You are original.

keep doing the fabulous things u r already doing and more...Tk Care